This site is
not supposed to tell you how to build
certain things such as station-entries and -exits or
intersections. It's a collection of clever designs I've found
on the internet (links have been places as appropriate) or that
I made up myself. This collection is by no means complete. If
you have a nice design, send it in. Enjoy ;)
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Standard intersection.
The easiest (efficient) intersection
for two-way designs. Basically a
cloverleaf-design without any
optimizations. Needs 13x13 tiles. I've
first seen this design on
Paul van Eijden's site,
though it's pretty straight forward, so
it may published on many other sites,
too. You can also build a nice
version with servicing depots.
High performance intersection.
This intersection is based on a design found on
Oliver Keating's site.
I use it to build
backbone-intersections, since it
handles a high number of trains easily.
Also, I like how complicated it looks
at a first glance ;)
Compact intersection.
Only a little bigger than the standard
intersection and propably not much more
efficient. I like it a lot though,
because it looks cool and I came up
with it all by myself ;)
Circular intersection.
Yep, that's right, this design combines
an intersection with a round-about.
Left-turns happen in an
"out-of-band" fashion, by
using a ring under and around the
intersecting part. More of a
proof-of-concept kinda thing than
anything usefull ;)
Cross intersection.
This intersection looks kind of like a
celtic cross. It has quite efficient
left-turns but needs lots of space.
Long intersection.
A quite long and not very wide design.
Shorter versions are possible, but not
very efficient and deadlock prone.
Zigzag intersection.
A design I've found on
Oliver Keating's site.
Though it doesn't look like it, the
concept is actually very similar to the
"high performance" design
above. Just not as performant ;)
Normal junction (threeway).
Quite simple, complex and efficient
design of a junction. Traffic is
leaving the main line before other
trains may join. In fact, only trains
which are passing through ever go over
the center-bridges.
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Standard terminal station.
Actually a trivial design. Mostly
here for completeness. I sometimes
use it for loading-only stations
(coalmines, farms) and mostly
build city-stations like this
since layout can be build very
close to the houses..
Standard through station.
Still a simple design, but a good
one. I build most stations like
this. The advandage is that one
train can enter and another one
can leave at the same time.
High performance station.
Design for stations with more
traffic (factories, mostly). Two
trains can enter and another one
can leave at the same time. To
increase performance the lines
from and to the junction have been
left seperated. Also, the
enter-lines are split so trains
waiting to enter don't block the
main line. I'd say a station
connected like this can handle up
to 20 trains.
Ultra high performance station.
For very high
traffic volumes (the only factory
you're delivering to) you can take
the ideas of the "High
performance station" and take
it a step further: An entire
branch of a big intersection is
connected to a station with nine
platforms. Three trains may enter
and two leave - all at the same
time. Stations like this are still
bored when used by 30 trains, I'd
say 50 trains should still work,
but haven't actually tried. For
(possibly) more performance the
mandatory servicing may be
omitted, of course..